Lengua Extanjera: Inglés
Prof: Candoli Geraldina
o profecandoli@gmail.com
The verb to be
El famoso verbo to be en inglés significa SER o ESTAR, también lo usamos
para decir la edad, por ejemplo. Es un verbo irregular (no sigue las reglas),
por eso se lo estudia separado del resto.
En el presente usamos 3 palabras para conjugarlo: AM-IS-ARE.
del verbo to be en presente simple
Aquí puedes aprender
las diferentes formas de conjugación del verbo to
be en presente simple, tanto en afirmativa como en negativa e
I am |
I am Mr.Pérez |
Yo soy el señor Pérez |
You are |
You are
the teacher |
Tú eres el
profesor |
He/She/It is |
It is a dog |
(Ello) Es un perro |
We are |
We are boys |
Nosotros somos
chicos |
You are |
You are tall |
Vosotros sois altos |
They are |
They are police
officers |
Ellos son policías |
I am not |
I am not Mr.Pérez |
Yo no soy Mr.Pérez |
You are not |
You aren’t
the teacher |
Tú no eres el profesor |
He/She/It is not |
It isn’t a dog |
(Ello) No es un perro |
We are not |
We aren’t boys |
Nosotros no somos
chicos |
You are not |
You aren’t tall |
Vosotros no sois
altos |
They are not |
aren’t police officers |
no son policías |
Am I? |
Am I Mr.Pérez? |
¿Soy yo el señor Pérez? |
Are You? |
Are you the
teacher? |
¿Eres tú el
profesor? |
Is He/She/It? |
Is it a dog? |
¿Es (ello) un
perro? |
Are We? |
Are we boys? |
¿Somos nosotros
chicos? |
Are You? |
Are you tall? |
¿Sois vosotros
altos? |
Are They? |
Are they police
officers? |
¿Son ellos
policías? |
Existe una forma de
acortar las estructura afirmativa y negativa mostrada anteriormente de la conjugación del verbo to be en presente simple.
Contracción afirmativa:
I |
´m |
You |
´re |
He/She/It |
´s |
We |
´re |
You |
´re |
They |
´re |
Contracción negativa:
I |
´m not |
You |
aren´t |
He/She/It |
isn’t |
We |
aren´t |
You |
aren´t |
They |
aren´t |
Complete with AM, IS o ARE. AFFIRMATIVE
a. Susan _IS___ my new friend.
b. I ____ a very good driver.
c. My neighbours ____ very noisy.
d. Your black cat ____ in the garden.
e. Susan and Mike ____ my parents.
f. They ____ my best friends.
g. I ____ sure.
h. Your friend ____ at home.
i. We ____ from Spain.
j. Luke and Tom ____ actors.
Write negative
or interrogative sentences
ej. Your brother is a doctor.
Your brother isn’t a
doctor. Is your brother a doctor?
Teachers are on holiday in August. ( interrogative)
2- It is late. (interrogative)
3- You are from Denmark. (negative)
4- They are my friends. (negative)
5- I am 15 years old. (interrogative)
6- You are at home this weekend. (interrogative)
7- She is married. (negative)
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